艾維克公司(EVGA Corporation)是一家主要供應基於NVIDIA顯示核心的顯示卡生產商,是NVIDIA的AIC合作夥伴之一[1]。公司總部位於加利福尼亞州貝雷亞市。EVGA的產品在全球多個國家販售,2010年3月30日在台灣新北市成立子公司與研發中心,名為艾維克科技股份有限公司(EVGA Technology Incorporated,簡稱ETi)。
目前分類:未分類文章 (16)
- Sep 11 Wed 2013 11:32
EVGA 艾維克
- Jan 11 Wed 2012 18:38
Asustek tapping medical care market
Asustek Computer has been applying its IT hardware/software know-how to medical care, according to the company.
Asustek said it plans to cooperate with partners from different fields to develop medicare applications. For example, Asustek may not undertake development and/or production of medicare devices, but can provide advice on product design for partners and leverage its price bargaining advantages to help partners minimize procurement costs, it said.
- Jan 11 Wed 2012 18:38
Tablet PCs to dominate touch-controlled device market in 2012
Buoyed by the release of Android 4.0 and Windows 8 operating systems, tablet PCs will dominate the touch-controlled device market in 2012 with models below 10.1-inch sizes accounting for a majority share, according to industry sources.
In addition to next-generation iPads and Kindle Fires, Sony is eager to launch new tablet PCs integrated with its digital game software and audio/video platform, said sources, adding that other vendors including Samsung Electronics, HTC and Asustek Computer will also roll out new models integrated with Android 4.0 and Windows 8.
- Jan 11 Wed 2012 18:37
Taiwan market: Digital switchover to spur TV industry value in 2012
Taiwan will completely switch terrestrial TV broadcasting from analog to digital on July 1, 2012, boosting the local TV sector - including content, hardware and services - to NT$130 billion (US$4.3 billion) next year, according to industry sources in Taiwan.
In addition to terrestrial TV broadcast, the Taiwan government plans to complete digitization of cable TV in 2014, the sources indicated. There are about five million household subscribers of cable TV services in Taiwan currently, and digital cable TV only accounts for about 9.5% of the users, the sources said.
- Jan 11 Wed 2012 18:36
Vendors of servers to not shift R&D from Taiwan to China
In response to media report that vendors of servers will shift R&D of servers from Taiwan to China, these vendors indicated that R&D in Taiwan focuses on product innovation while that in China is oriented toward product application and it is not feasible to shift R&D of servers from Taiwan to China, according to industry sources in Taiwan.
Currently, IBM, Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Dell have all had R&D centers established in Taiwan for product developments.
- Jan 06 Fri 2012 17:00
- Jan 06 Fri 2012 13:42
- Dec 22 Thu 2011 10:59
- Dec 22 Thu 2011 10:37
在計算機領域中,灰階(Gray scale)數字圖像是每個像素只有一個採樣顏色的圖像。這類圖像通常顯示為從最暗黑色到最亮的白色的灰階,儘管理論上這個採樣可以任何顏色的不同深淺,甚至可以是不同亮度上的不同顏色。灰階圖像與黑白圖像不同,在計算機圖像領域中黑白圖像只有黑白兩種顏色,灰階圖像在黑色與白色之間還有許多級的顏色深度。但是,在數字圖像領域之外,「黑白圖像」也表示「灰階圖像」,例如灰階的照片通常叫做「黑白照片」。在一些關於數字圖像的文章中單色圖像等同於灰階圖像,在另外一些文章中又等同於黑白圖像。
- Dec 22 Thu 2011 10:35
Claim Construction
- Dec 22 Thu 2011 10:29
類比訊號 & 數位訊號
類比訊號(Analog signal)主要是與離散的數位訊號相對的連續訊號。類比訊號經過對時間軸等取樣(抽樣, 取 sample 的方法可參考採樣定理)之後成為離散訊號,即可被程式處理。再對資訊內容取整數後成為數位訊號。類比訊號分布於自然界的各個角落,如每天溫度的變化。而數位訊號是人為抽樣出來的在時間上的不連續訊號。
- Dec 21 Wed 2011 22:31
- Dec 21 Wed 2011 22:29
- Dec 21 Wed 2011 09:38
- Dec 20 Tue 2011 21:12
霍夫曼編碼(Huffman Coding)是一種編碼方式,是一種用於無損數據壓縮的熵編碼(權編碼)演算法。1952年,David A. Huffman在麻省理工攻讀博士時所發明的,並發表於《一種構建極小多餘編碼的方法》(A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes)一文。
- Dec 20 Tue 2011 20:51
唯讀記憶體(Read-Only Memory,ROM)是一種半導體記憶體,其特性是一旦儲存資料就無法再將之改變或刪除,且內容不會因為電源關閉而消失。在電子或電腦系統中,通常用以儲存不需經常變更的程式或資料,例如早期的家用電腦如Apple II的監督程式 [1]、BASIC 語言直譯器、與硬體點陣字型,個人電腦IBM PC/XT/AT的BIOS(基本輸出入系統)[2]與IBM PC/XT的BASIC直譯器,與其他各種微電腦系統中的韌體(Firmware),均儲存在ROM內。
ROM唯讀記憶體(Read-Only Memory)是一種只能讀取資料的記憶體。在製造過程中,先將資料轉成電路,並製成光罩(Mask),於積體電路製造過程中一併製造完成,其資料內容在製造後就不能更改,只能讀不能寫,因此得名。後來為了與其他新種類的ROM區別,又稱為「光罩式唯讀記憶體」(Mask ROM)。此記憶體單位製造成本最低,製造後也不需花工夫燒錄,但每次需生產一定的數量以上。適用於內容固定不變、需大量生產的產品,例如電腦或嵌入式設備中的開機啟動,字形表,電子遊戲機程式與卡帶等。